Import product groups

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Open: Import records > Stock and Prices > Import Product Groups

How to

Create an import file for product groups

You can import product groups using a CSV Comma Separated Value (CSV) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the CSV file format. file.

  1. Download the import information and example files:

  2. Create your import file in the format of the CSV example file.
  3. Read the information in the import format file (XLS), and make sure your information is correct and all mandatory fields are included.

    Note: Each product group must have a Code, Description and Type.

  4. Save your import file.

Validate your import file

You can choose to validate the import file, which checks that the records are in the correct format before you import. Doing this doesn't import any information.

  1. Select Validate records only and click OK.

  2. Browse to the import file and click Open.

    Sage 200 checks the file and generates two reports; one lists the imported records, the other lists the invalid records. If there are invalid records, the reason for the failure is shown in the report.

    Note: The reports are displayed as a preview, printed, or sent to the spooler. This depends on the Output mode you have set.

    Note: If you get a message "Unable to process the specified file", make sure your import file is closed and isn't open in any applications.

  3. Check both reports to ensure that your records are complete and correct.

  4. Make any corrections required to the records in your import file.
  5. To re-validate your import file, repeat this process.

Import product groups

  1. Select Validate and import records.

  2. Choose the default values you want to apply when they're not specified in the import file:
    • Whether all groups are set to Use the Item description on orders and invoices by default.
    • The default nominal accounts.

    Note: Values set on individual records in your import file will override these defaults.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Browse to the import file you created, select it and then click Open.

    Sage 200 checks the records, imports the valid ones and generates two reports. One lists the imported records, the other lists the invalid records.

    Note: The reports are displayed as a preview, printed, or sent to the spooler. This depends on the Output mode you have set.

  5. Check both reports to ensure that your records have been successfully imported.

  6. Make any corrections required to the records in your import file.

    Tip: We recommend that you remove those records that were successfully imported. As they can't be imported a second time, this stops cluttering up your report.

  7. Repeat until all records are successfully imported.

Useful info

About importing product groups

You can create product groups by importing data from another software package into Sage 200 or from one Sage 200 company to another.

  • The Code, Description and Type are always mandatory.
  • For Stock type groups, the CostingMethod and StockTakeRecyclePeriod are mandatory.
  • If the product group uses landed costs, then the then LandedCostsType and LandedCostsValue are mandatory.

Stock types

Each product group must be one of three types:

  • Stock

    This is for physical items of stock that you want to count.

    These items are included on the stock valuation reports and stocktake sheets.

    You can buy and sell them using sales and purchase orders, and the value is posted to your Stock asset nominal account.

  • Service/Labour

    This is for non physical items that you can't count such as time, labour and service.

    They are not included on stock valuation reports or stocktake sheets.

    You can buy and sell them using sales and purchase orders, and the value is posted to your nominal accounts. We recommend that your set up a separate nominal account for these items so their value is not posted to your Stock asset nominal account.

  • Miscellaneous

    This is for physical items of stock that you don't want to count. These would usually be small items such as screws or bolts.

    They are not included on stock valuations reports or stocktake sheets.

    You can buy and sell them using sales and purchase orders, and the value is posted to your nominal accounts.

Stock nominal accounts

When you import the product groups, you can choose which nominal accounts to use by default. If any of the product groups in the import file don't have a nominal account specified, then the defaults are used.

Tip: If you're importing new product groups and new stock items, you'll need to import the product groups first. Sage 200 can't import stock items if the product groups don't already exist.

You set the default nominal accounts that you want to use for stock items in this product group here. When you create a stock item, these nominal accounts are entered by default. This can be overridden on the stock item but entering a default nominal account here helps to make sure that transactions are posted correctly.

You specify two default nominal accounts:

  • Stock

    Used to record the value of the stock you have bought. By default, Sage 200 uses the Stock account on the Balance Sheet, specified in the Default Nominal Accounts.

  • Revenue

    Used to record the value of stock sold. By default, Sage 200 used the Sales account specified in the Default Nominal Accounts. This would normally be an Income account on the Profit and Loss.

Using the item description

You can choose to choose an alternative description for your stock items on your orders and invoices. This can be useful if the code and description you want to use for stock items internally is different to the description you use for customers and /or suppliers.

When you choose to set this as the default for a product group, you must also remember to include the alternative description for all stock items in the group.

What happens when

What happens when I validate the file?

When you validate an import file, Sage 200 checks for the following:

  • Whether an item already exists.

  • All items contain the required mandatory fields.

  • All fields are correctly formatted.

The result of the validation is provided by reports.

  • A report lists the items that are valid and can be imported.

  • A separate report is produced to list any items that are invalid and can't be imported. The report will tell you why individual items are invalid.

Note: Depending on your selected output mode, the reports are displayed as a preview, sent to the spooler, or sent to the printer.

What happens when I import the file?

  1. The import file is validated.
  2. The import file is processed.

    All valid items are imported, and any invalid items are ignored.

  3. The result of the import is provided by reports.

    • A report lists the valid items that were successfully imported.

    • A separate report is produced to list any items that were invalid and could not be imported.

    Note: Depending on your selected output mode, the reports are displayed as a preview, sent to the spooler, or sent to the printer.